Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thank you & Help Wanted!

Hello, readers!

I appreciate you and your responses to me. Be they personal, through other forms of communication, and even the few comments left on my Excerpt, they have all been a huge service, I assure you, in helping me move forward. Your wonderful "reviews" have helped me to breath a deeper sense of life into this story, somehow. I am more encouraged because of your comments and empowered in some sort of way to continue with a vigor I'd not have harnessed otherwise, I assure you. 

My sincere thanks

Now, onto the second topic...

I am now writing a chapter in the beginning of the book were Nelson's wife actually dies, which is I am sure you have guessed, what has propelled him into his state of mind in the first Excerpt that I posted (hopefully many more Excerpts to be posted). 

Anyhow, writing about someone dieing is an odd thing for me. To do so, I feel I have to harness the emotions of that situation. I have found inspiration in meditating on the deep feelings of love and admiration which come from love in my life, trying to ask myself where I would be emotionally, spiritually, etc if someone in that roll in my life died. It has helped, as has music I have selected to listen too over and over trying to set the tone. Now I ask a help of you

Have you had someone die in your life, a spouse, a lover? If so, first off, my sincere condolences. I am asking something pretty big of people out there... if you would be so kind, I need help understanding what it is like. If you feel comfortable, please answer some or all of the following. Feel free to send it right to my email if you would rather not post it below, or just post it in the comments below under anonymous, if you prefer. Thanks for considering. 


                                         What are certain emotions you remember feeling immediately after? 

If you are able, what were the circumstances 
surrounding the death of your loved one? 

How long were you married or dating? 

How long did it take you to find out they 
had passed? 

Were you in shock for some time first? 

What about the feelings you held a month 
after, 6 months?  

I am trying to gain some real perspective here to push this book ahead in this part. If you are able to be of assistance, let me know, or if you know someone who may be willing to contribute thoughts, please give them the address for this blog. Also, even if you are reading this quite a ways after the date of this post, please feel free to share in whatever way you would like still, undoubtedly this is valuable information that I will be able to use many times in other stories perhaps. 

I thank you for your reading once again, and for your time and contributions, I don't take them lightly


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